4400 East Broadway Blvd #704, Tucson, Arizona, 85711arrottalaw.com

Contact Info

4400 East Broadway Blvd #704, Tucson, Arizona, 85711arrottalaw.com


Rich Arrotta

Rich grew up in the Washington, D.C. area.  His family moved west when he was in high school, which brought him to the University of Arizona for both college and law school.  He graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, followed with his law degree, graduating in 1974 with the

Susan Arrotta

Susan reviews medical records of all potential medical negligence cases and gives assistance in evaluating and recommending medical care for clients.  Susan was born and raised in New York, migrating to Tucson to attend the University of Arizona.  She graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Nursing and has spent more


A native of Tucson, Libby attended Sunnyside High School and has been working as a legal assistant in the personal injury field since 1973.  She completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration at the University of Arizona while working full-time.  Libby focuses her free time blending her family’s interests with


Derek has worked as a Legal Assistant in Tucson for over 20 years. For the last 18 years, he has worked exclusively on personal injury cases. During the course of his career, he has assisted over 1,000 clients in obtaining successful results on their respective injury cases. Over the years,

Libra Aquilar

Libra was born in Tucson and lived here until the age of 10. Libra’s family moved to El Paso, Texas, and remained there until 1994 when she returned to Tucson. Once back in Tucson, Libra continued her education while dreaming what her future might bring her. By chance, she had



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Monday – Friday: 9am to 20 pm
Saturday: 9am to 17 pm
Sunday: day off

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